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Master Guide and pilot Dan Montgomery has lived in Alaska for over 35 years and has been guiding for sheep and goats since 1985.


Born in Eastern Washington at the foot of the Cascade Mountains, the small isolated town of Winthrop (pop 300) was home. I grew up outdoors, exploring, hunting and fishing every chance I could with my father and my twin brother. I took my first buck at 13 years old; almost all of our family’s red meat was deer or elk.  As an adult, I was lucky enough to hunt other western states when you could still buy most tags “over the counter”.


I moved to Alaska in 1982 to join my partner Loren Karro, and we took our first mountain goats that year, as there was no guide requirement then, and our first rams in 1983.  We lived in Southeast Alaska for 3 years, then spent 8 years in Kotzebue in the Northwest Arctic, before moving to the Matanuska Valley in 1993. We have hunted rams in all five major mountain ranges in Alaska and I have taken at least one ram in each one.  I became an assistant guide in 1985, guiding for sheep and goats in the Wrangell Mountains. I still personally guide hunters every year.  I got my pilot license in 1990, and now have two super cubs, one on floats and one on wheels. I have logged over 9,000 hours of Alaska flight time.


After I took a big B & C ram in 1991 in the Chugach Mountains, I knew that these rough and inaccessible mountains, with their huge rams, was where we wanted to start our own guiding business. That is what we did in 1993, and we’ve never looked back. Loren got her own Registered Guide license a few years later. We guide for sheep, mountain goats, black bear and brown/grizzly bear and an occasional moose throughout most of the Chugach Mountains.


In 1995 we started guiding for brown bear on the Alaska Peninsula, out of Port Heiden. The area has its own set of unique landscapes, attractions, and challenges with weather and swampy terrain, that we really embrace. Finding good populations of big game in difficult places to access, with little or no hunting pressure, and then figuring out how to hunt them, has been a key to our success.  We have at least a 95% success rate on all species.


We have a small staff of dedicated guides who have hunted these areas with us for years.  We can’t say enough good things about their experience, dedication and positive attitudes; they have been an integral part of our success. I do all of the flying and have an active hand in every hunt I book. From the time we pick you up at the airport in Anchorage or Port Heiden (brown bear hunters), until your hunt is complete, we provide everything except for your personal gear, rifle and ammunition, and hunting license and tag(s). 

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P.O. Box 874492

Wasilla, Alaska 99687

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Dan Montgomery

Tel: 907.373.4898

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